Turning Acts of Violence into Tweets to Congress (2016-2018)
AGENCY: Mutant Inc. & Left Field Labs
PROJECT: We created a Twitter bot to help voters automatically tweet to their elected officials every time a gun shot someone near them.
#ShootATweet made guns speak for their victims—automatically triggering tweets asking Congress to pass new legislation to help reduce gun violence.
CONSUMER PROBLEM: People want to push for new gun legislations, but it’s time consuming and a frustrating process to reach your elected officials.
RESULT: Within one month #ShootATweet posts appeared in over 2.5 million timelines. Inspiring influencers from #MomsDemandAction, #LoveIsLove, #DisarmHate, and #BlackLivesMatter to activate their accounts.
#ShootATweet was a trending topic during Sen. Chris Murphy’s 15-hour Filibuster leading to the first vote on new gun control laws in 17 years.